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3032 verfügbare Anfragen 3032 gefundene Anfrage

  • I would like to gild my new bronze pendant (I would like to gild my new bronze pendant)

    Veröffentlicht 21/02/2022 0 Angebote 0.00€

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,please send me an offer for the following work on two gold-plated square tubes (20x20x1.5mm see picture) Shorten on one side (current length: 93cm; target length: 53cm) Gild…

  • I would like to gild my new bronze pendant

    Veröffentlicht 21/02/2022 0 Angebote 0.00€

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a Jacques Lemans women's wristwatch JL.AA 40-3, which I have enjoyed for several years, but don't wear it regularly. The battery was from…

  • I would like to gild my new bronze pendant

    Veröffentlicht 21/02/2022 0 Angebote 0.00€

    I have an old verge watch 1800 the chain, the spindle and the balance wheel are okay, only the mainspring barrel has no traction, the watch only runs 2-3 sek. the clock…


    Veröffentlicht 21/02/2022 0 Angebote Berlin 0.00€

    Hi, I would like to have an earring made, which I loved VERY MUCH but sadly lost. The earring was made of H&M, so no high-quality materials.. What would it mean to me…

  • pcs, pcs

    Veröffentlicht 20/02/2022 0 Angebote Leipzig 15.00€

    I ordered a tiara, whose one stone was placed incorrectly and has a white stone instead of red. This should be replaced if possible. There are also missing small rows of stones in the lower row…

  • pcs

    Veröffentlicht 20/02/2022 0 Angebote 0.00€

    Hallo zusammen Auf ein Neues. Das erst Mal saß das Problem vor dem PC. Gerne würde ich mir von Ihnen einen Münzring anfertigen lassen. Es handelt sich um eine 1

  • pcs.

    Veröffentlicht 19/02/2022 0 Angebote Leipzig 30.00€

    Folgendes soll eingraviert werden: oben: 22/02/22 unten: happy 2 years anniversary ♡ I love you. – your Willi